The Presence of Light

Scripture Reading - Matthew 5:14-16 KJV

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

In today’s lesson we will reveal the awesome power of “The Presence of Light”. When we use the term “awesome power” we are of course referring to the Power of God. However, one must realize that the power of God is held in the Holy of Holies or one could say, the Temple of God. Well according to 1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV you are the temple of God. This verse reads, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” Yes, God’s Holy Spirit indwells your body and other verses like John 14:23 KJV mention that even Our Heavenly Father and Precious Savoir Jesus Christ live inside of us. St. John 14:23 reads, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” The point that we (ihlcc) are revealing is that God’s Presence “the Presence of Light” is within us looking to show itself outwardly. Yes, we have seen several situations where light (revelation or healing power or protection or wisdom or discernment or etc…) was needed and the situation called for divine help but it came through a person. Yes, we will say it this way, “Many times God’s Power is necessary to make a wrong right and God uses people who have His Power (His Light) within them to go to that situation to change that wrong to right. We believe that Holy Spirit filled believers have awesome power in Christ Jesus but they must be willing to show up and exercise the authority of the Word of God to create a good work in the earth. This includes making wrong things right or helping some people in darkness to see light. We will use a few examples to confirm this deep belief in our heart. God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son to save people in the world from their own personal sins.-Refer to St. John 3:16. Notice that God already loved mankind and it was His Will to save all mankind but someone had to show-up here on earth to do it. If “the Presence of Light” dispels all darkness then light must show-up to cast darkness out. Remember in Acts 5:14-16 that the shadow of the Apostle Peter passed over certain sick people to bring healing. This basically means the presence of Peter’s heart (the light in his spirit, or you could say the Light of Lord within his spirit) wrought healing to the sick. Quoting Peter’s own words prior to that event he stated in Acts 3:12-16 that his own holiness or power didn’t do the work of healing but rather the Power of God released in the Name of Jesus. What are we (ihlcc) saying? We are firmly preaching that “the presence of light” drives out all darkness. Therefore if you really have a dark situation or circumstance what you most definitely need is God’s Light (God’s Power within your spirit). Not just a room light or a flash light but rather God’s Light inside of your own heart (your spirit man) to illuminate your mind causing power to be released from your mouth. Yes, you have an unlimited amount of power within you but you must be willing to fill yourself up with light (God’s Love and God’s Word) to release power into the atmosphere. Remember in the Old Testament Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still and the Moon to hold it’s place and they both obeyed him and held their position for a whole day so the children of Israel could finish conquering their enemies.- Refer to Joshua 10:12-14 Well if Joshua’s presence which had the Light of God within Him didn’t show-up for the battle complete deliverance would not have taken place because night fall would have stopped the battle and lessened the victory. Also, remember when Moses, the man of God, had to holdup his hands while the Children of Israel were fighting with Amalek in Exodus 17:8-16. We see that if Mose’s hands were down the Children of Israel were losing the war but as long as his hands remained high and lifted up the children of Israel prevailed in battle. Yes, we (ihlcc) know this is a symbol for always continuing to praise God while in battle but we would like to point out if Moses presence was not on the battle field the Children of Israel would have suffered a devastating loss. However because he was there and he was willing to let his presence of light shine forth in that specific battle he (Moses) won and God won and the Children of Israel won also. For our last example we will use a personal example in our own life. Recently, I (Eric) was cutting grass and half the lawn was mowed. We (Angela and I) knew rain was predicted to come at any minute so I pondered should I stop or should I continue? I asked Angela in complete uncertainty, “Do you think I can make it?” She replied, “If you are going to do it, go to it!” (I know that is a good one-liner) I immediately started on the second half (the backyard) it was dark and the wind was picking up momentum but I just kept cutting. As I was cutting Angela showed up in the backyard which she usually doesn’t do. She watched me cut in high speed which I am sure was entertaining in itself. I looked at her with only two more rows of grass to cut and I told her in complete confidence, “We are going to make it” and we did. As soon as the mower stopped the rain started coming down, no not lightly but heavily. We praised God for the victory but Angela told me, “I did go inside the house like usual because the Lord spoke to my heart to remain outside because, ok wait for it, wait for it, “Your presence is needed outside to hold off the storm.” Say what? “Your presence is needed outside to hold off the storm.” Yes, we (ihlcc) are people that believe we can influence the weather for good in certain situations but this was new to both of us. The Sweet Lord Jesus or Holy Spirit then shared this information with us, “That Light expels darkness and also know that light can bend darkness and light can restrain darkness.” So in essence her “presence of light” (because she was believing God to hold off the rain when I decided to cut the backyard) restrained the rain until she went into the house. Yes, her “presence of light” was necessary to see the work of God in our specific situation. For this reason of rejoicing we thought it is a good idea to share this new revelation with our friends and family members of ihlcc. So please remember in the midst of a dark and rainy world if you need help (light) He is always present in you so that you can be present to release the Power of God into negative situations in your own life. Yes, “the presence of light” within you was deposited inside of you to cast out all darkness, so if you believe you have the power of God within you be present in heart and physically present to brighten up all things under your authority in Jesus Name. Amen!